Alexis Skriloff James- Professional Writer, dba AIS Publications

Alexis Skriloff James- Professional Writer, dba AIS Publications

Alexis Skriloff James, the owner/operator of AIS Publications, has been in business for over 25 years.  Alexis Skriloff James is a published author and works with both established writers and beginning writers as a coach and editor.

AIS is a multi-service documentation preparedness company, with a focus on writing, editing, and researching the project-specific subject matter. Each project is focused and prepared for the client’s specific needs. This focus ensures the best product to meet the needs of the client’s objectives. AIS takes into consideration budget, time frames, and product and project goals.

Here at AIS, we've worked with clients in the technical, business, commercial, and entertainment fields such as:

Business and Government  (Local and State): State of Louisiana, Computer Science Corporation, Citizens Gas and Coke, the City of Indianapolis, Metropolitan Department of Development, Boehringer Mannheim (Roche Diagnostics),  O’Brien Kreitzberg (City of Los Angeles Metro Rail Projects), amongst others.

Commercial and Entertainment FieldsOnline Book Review, One Way or Another Productions, Hearst Publications, McCarty Publishing, Pearson Education, including others.

Department of Defense (DoD) and Military Standards (MIL-STD) Projects: ASI Agoura Systems, SAIC, Litton Encoder, US Navy, Hughes Aircraft  Corporate, Hughes Aircraft Radar, and OAO.

AIS Publications Current and Pending Registrations: System for Award Management (SAMs), Small Business Administration (SBA) Small Business certification (pending), and with Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), DoD liaison (pending). Previously AIS Publications has been certified as a Women  Owned Business, and a Small Business in the State of California, City, and County of Los Angeles, California, and the City and County of San Diego, California.


Alexis, Your advice has been a huge help to me over the past ten or more years. I still practice everything you suggested. I am still writing, mostly revising the textbooks but also was involved in some writing for the trade market published by Car Tech Books. I will keep your contact information and will let others know. Thanks again for all your excellent ideas and suggestions many years ago. Best Jim Halderman.

James Halderman

Author of Automotive Books


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PO Box 20543
Mesa, AZ 85277, US

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